Police Visit in Little Learners
Today the Little Learners children were lucky enough to have a visit from a police officer, the children learnt about the uniform they wear, the equipment that is used, the difference in the hats and how the police are here to help us and what number to call.
They learnt how to use the handcuffs, leg restrictors and walkie talkies and got to try on some of the clothes.
All the children thoroughly enjoyed the visit and we would like to say a special thank you to the officer for taking the time out to come and see our children.

This morning the children in preschool were lucky enough to have a visit from Fiona who is a Neonatal nurse. Fiona talked to the children about looking after the babies in the hospital and came in with lots of equipment for the children to play with. The children all thoroughly enjoyed the visit and a big thank you to Fiona for taking the time to come and see our children.

Today we had a visit from two police officers and their car. Some of the children got the opportunity to try on hats and get into the car, they also got to turn on the sirens and and lights which was very exciting for them all. Thank you to the two officers who took the time to come and spend time with our children and allow them to investigate the car and talk about their job.

Today the lovely Nurse Jessica came in to see the children in Little Learners, they got to listen to their hearts with the stethoscope, she talked about the importance of their injections and they used the bandages, she even took the staffs blood pressure. All the children were given a bravery certificate and sticker. Thank you Jessica for taking the time to come and see our Little Learners.

Yesterday morning, children in Preschool and Little Learners were very lucky to have a visit from a local team of fire fighters and their fire engine. This is just a selection of the photos that were taken (too many to post all of them) but all of the children had the opportunity to get inside the engine, try on a helmet and have a turn at spraying the hose, if they wanted to.
All of the children thoroughly enjoyed the visit and we would like to say a massive thank you to Steve and the team for taking the time to come and see the children.

Yesterday some of our older children had the opportunity to meet Bill who is a 7 1/2-month-old golden Labrador who is being trained to support the visually impaired out in the community. The children learnt that it would take between 18 months to 2 years before he will be ready. Thank you to the lovely Liesl for bringing in Bill and taking the time to speak to our children.
Yesterday morning, our older children were very lucky to have a visit from the local coastguard team and one of their vehicles. A very big thank you Scott and his colleague that came to see the children - they already volunteer their time to the Coastguard Service, so we were very grateful that they gave even more of their time to come and see us. The children got to hear the siren and see some of the different uniforms that they wear and equipment that they use. Natasha and Shirley were very good sports and dressed up in uniform and had a race; I'm told that there was some dispute as to who won!! The children absolutely loved the session, and we hope that they told you all about it.