Last week, Preschool was catapulted into 'Space' and the children enjoyed lots of themed activities. They were able to access an array of tuff trays including: junk modelling aliens with boxes, tin foil and googly eyes; painting a large packaging insert to make 'Planet Elmwood' for the aliens to live on; playdough aliens with k'nex pieces; 'Asteroid Smash' with playdough, glitter and wooden hammers; a moon themed tray using gloop, cotton wool and glitter with toothbrushes for mark-marking; building rockets from different shaped magnetic blocks in a foil lined tray. The children have also had the opportunity to build with metallic bricks, make hand print alien crafts, do rocket and alien colouring pictures, and make a planet craft by rolling a ball around inside a plastic tray with paint.
Activities have also been themed at circle time, and the children have enjoyed stories such as 'Zoom Rocket Zoom' and 'Aliens in Underpants', an interactive Space Dance song with 'Go Danny!' on You Tube, 'Space Floor is Lava' game, they have sung '5 Little Men in a Flyer Saucer' and have taken an imaginary journey to the moon.